This article will demonstrate the features of VaaS GUI. Screen shots below come from VaaS in Docker Compose.

VaaS comprises of several Django apps, two of which are available via a web browser: Cluster and Manager.

In the Cluster app you can:

In the Manager app you can:

Cluster app

[Cluster] Varnish servers

To define a new Varnish server, click on Cluster -> Varnish servers -> Add varnish server and fill in the form:

Cluster - add Varnish server

[Cluster] Vcl templates

To define a new Varnish VCL, click on Cluster -> Vcl templates -> Add vcl template and fill in the form:

Cluster - add VCL template

[Cluster] Vcl template blocks

To define a new Vcl template block, click on Cluster -> Vcl template blocks -> Add template block and fill in the form:

Cluster - add VCL template block

[Cluster] Dcs

VaaS supports multiple DCs. A DC in the application consists of a DC name and a DC symbol.

[Cluster] Logical clusters

In VaaS, Varnish servers can be grouped into clusters. Each cluster can use a different set of directors.

Manager app

[Manager] Directors

To define a new director, click on Manager -> Directors -> Add director and fill in the form:

Manager - add Director

[Manager] Backends

To define a new backend, click on Manager -> Backends -> Add backend and fill in the form:

Manager - add Backend

[Manager] Probes

To define a new probe, click on Manager -> Probes -> Add probe and fill in the form:

Manager - add Probe

[Manager] Time Profiles

To define a new time profile, click on Manager -> Time Profiles -> Add time profile and fill in the form:

Manager - add Probe

[Manager] Purger

To purge object from varnishes from a given cluster, click on *Manager -> Purger -> and fill in the form:

Manager - Purger

[Router] Routes

Router - Routes

[Router] Redirects

Router - Redirects